city city bang bang....

Scientists all over the world are ready in their eager attempt to find out how the universe was born.The big bang theory which was put forward by Georges Lemaitre relied entirely on Einsteins theory of relativity.
According to the Big Bang model, the universe expanded from an extremely dense and hot state and continues to expand today. A common and useful analogy explains that space itself is expanding, carrying galaxies with it, like raisins in a rising loaf of bread. General relativistic cosmologies, however, do not actually ascribe any 'physicality' to space.
This however was purely theoretical.There was no element of truth these scientists could put forward.
The CERN(European centre for nuclear research) along with scientists across the world is undertaking an experiment which will simulate exactly what happened according to big bang theory.For this purpose they have built a large haldron collider(LHC).
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator complex, intended to collide opposing beams of protons with very high kinetic energy.
The first beams were circulated through the collider on 10 September 2008, and the first high-energy collisions are planned to take place after the LHC is officially unveiled on 21 October.
Media had initially hyped the threat that the experiment could be disastrous but the consensus in the scientific community is that there is no conceivable threat from the LHC particle collisions.
....Well it will take a long time for the scientists to actually arrive to conclusions after the experiment(probably a decade)...lets see what happens....
